Transforming Shire H.A.- AGM
Shire Housing celebrated another successful year at its recent Annual General Meeting. In her address to the meeting Janet Allan the Association’s Chairperson outlined the continued transformation of the Association in meeting its Business Vision of “Great Homes, Great People, Vibrant Communities”. The achievements in 2017/18 included:
- The Management Board overseeing a radical staff restructure creating 4 new posts and making changes to a number of other job descriptions to better support the Association’s Business Plan;
- The completion of a review of the Association’s long-term financial plans, confirming the Association is in good financial health;
- The achievement of Investors in People Silver Accreditation, Investors in Young People Silver Accreditation, and continued Customer Service Excellence Accreditation;
- Increased partnership working with tenants, a number of local community organisations and schools to strengthen community engagement.
Janet stated: “ 2017/18 has seen the continued transformation of the Association and will ensure that we are ready to meet the challenges we face in the future, and we are continuing this work in 2018/19”.
The AGM also confirmed the re-election of Lorne Campbell, Nick Allan, Shaun Lowrie, and Willie Paterson to the Management Board. In addition, Terry Bardell joined the Board as a full member having been co-opted in December 2017.