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About Wendy Pring

Wendy Pring

Wendy is a chartered civil engineer and has worked in the water/waste and circular economy for most of her career. Her passion is supporting behavior change and understanding how we can  be more strategic in our longer term resource management. To minimise our carbon footprints and to support  useful ways in which to create a regenerative approach to our activities.

Her portfolio of work includes supporting other businesses in strategic direction: localizing of UN17SDGs; circular thinking and the recent launch of Carbon Daters an immersive accredited carbon literacy programme. This has been designed to support whole team and/or supply chain engagement to address areas of our scope 3 emissions and embed change across organisations.

In addition, she is also an Enterprise Fellow  at The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde University providing a focus in her teachings on sustainable development and leadership.

Having recently been part of a global initiative to address climate leadership she has travelled to Antarctica to understand more where climate adaptation and mitigation is required. The Why Antarctica is embedded within the Carbon Dating programme to support team cohesiveness and critical thinking to organisations changes to a more circular economy.

Wendy is also a Trustee of New Cumnock Development Trust

Wendy Pring CEng MICE

Founder: The Way Forward 2045 and @20:45 the retail arm of the business.

Facebook: The Way Forward 2045- retail arm 38-42 Ayr Road Cumnock will support for comms