Shire Housing helps 29 Children with £725 from Cash for Kids

Shire Housing Association has successfully applied to the Cash for Kids’ Christmas Grant Fund securing £725 to help 29 children living across East Ayrshire. The Grant helps families in financial hardship with each child receiving a £25 gift voucher for a local shop.

Janet Allan, the Chairperson of Shire Housing Association, said: “We want to thank Cash for Kids for helping local underprivileged children have a nicer Christmas. Our Financial Inclusion Officer, Diane Balfour, working our Customer Services Team has done a great job identifying local children in families who need financial help to provide their kids with Christmas presents. This work reflects our Business Vision of “Great Homes, Great People, Vibrant Communities”.

Staff Members’ Diane Balfour, and Dawn Blackhurst (pictured) have been visiting local children to deliver their gifts.


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